Victory Family
International Church

About Our Church
We are a New Generational Church on the Rise, a place of Focus on the Word of God experiencing the power of God

We Have
Power Packed
Worship Services
Sunday at 10:00 AM
Wednesday Bible Study 6:45pm

We Believe
We believe in God as absolute and soul creator of the universe and that creation was by divine feat and not through evolutionary process. We believe that God, by His Sovereign choice and out of love for man, sent Christ into the world to save sinners.
Our Vision becomes our decision to follow Christ vision that we may develop His love for all humanity. To see what He sees, To hear what He hears, To speak what He speaks, and To seeks what He seeks. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33

Tithes and offerings should be freely given to your local church. The local church is the place of membership where God has called you to receive His Word and teachings on a consistent basis for your spiritual growth and edification.
life after death
We believe that all who receive Christ become joint heirs with Christ; at death, their spirits depart to be with Christ. Their bodies will be raised to the likeness of the body of Christ and dwell forever in divine presence.
life before death
We believe that the gifts of Eternal Life, received by all believers, represent a quality of life here on earth as well as life after death. We believe the goal of every Christian should be to grow in spiritual maturity through obedience to the Word of God and the indwelling Spirit.
the trinity
We believe that the Godhead exists eternally in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and these three are one.
our church
We believe that the church is the bride of Christ and is made up of all true believers in Jesus Christ. Our particular Church is a local body of baptized believers with similar interest and goals. The church is organized and functions according to New Testament standards and models. Its primary purpose is to be a family church, a teaching ministry, an outreach ministry, A City of Refuge.